I love Katha Pollitt.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
de·liv·er·y (dĭ-lĭv'ə-rē, -lĭv'rē)
n., pl. -ies.
n., pl. -ies.
- The act of conveying or delivering.
- Something delivered, as a shipment or package.
- The act of transferring to another.
- Law. A formal act of transferring ownership of property to another: delivery of a deed.
- The act of giving up; surrender.
- The act or manner of throwing or discharging.
- The act of giving birth; parturition.
- Utterance or enunciation: The historic speech required but two minutes in delivery.
- The act or manner of speaking or singing: a folk singer's casual delivery.
- The act of releasing or rescuing.