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Tuesday, September 25, 2007


de·liv·er·y (dĭ-lĭv'ə-rē, -lĭv') pronunciation
n., pl. -ies.
    1. The act of conveying or delivering.
    2. Something delivered, as a shipment or package.
    1. The act of transferring to another.
    2. Law. A formal act of transferring ownership of property to another: delivery of a deed.
  1. The act of giving up; surrender.
  2. The act or manner of throwing or discharging.
  3. The act of giving birth; parturition.
    1. Utterance or enunciation: The historic speech required but two minutes in delivery.
    2. The act or manner of speaking or singing: a folk singer's casual delivery.
  4. The act of releasing or rescuing.


Blogger R. Narvaez said...

Pronunciation: ri-'sEv
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): re•ceived; re•ceiv•ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French receivre, from Latin recipere, from re- + capere to take -- more at HEAVE
transitive verb
1 : to come into possession of : ACQUIRE {receive a gift, receive a delivery}
2 a : to act as a receptacle or container for {the cistern receives water from the roof, the poet receives the sadness of the world} b : to assimilate through the mind or senses {receive new ideas, receive a migraine}
3 a : to permit to enter : ADMIT b : WELCOME, GREET c : to react to in a specified manner {receive change, receive a massage}
4 : to accept as authoritative, true, or accurate : BELIEVE
5 a : to support the weight or pressure of : BEAR b : to take (a mark or impression) from the weight of something {some Memory Foam mattresses receive clear impressions} c : ACQUIRE, EXPERIENCE {received his early schooling at home, received a rash} d : to suffer the hurt or injury of {received a broken nose}
intransitive verb
1 : to be a recipient
2 : to be at home to visitors {receives on Tuesdays}
3 : to convert incoming radio waves into perceptible signals from outer space beep beep sputnik
4 : to prepare to take possession of the ball from a kick in football, or in the shin

2:14 PM  

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