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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Monday, January 16, 2006


I've been renting this mini-series. A friend described it as a show about "a bunch of people who survive this plane crash on an island where all this fucked-up shit starts to happen." That's pretty much what it is. The island offers unique challenges to each of the individuals that usually have to do with redemption in some way, facing something from their past. They all butt heads about power, fate vs. science, and its riveting and ruthless enough to kick you out of thinking about anything else for 45 minutes.

It's also popular, and I think the reason people like it so much is because we all want that--the chance to start over. We're living in such an incredibly lost time that this is our "Fantasy Island": the chance to recreate ourselves somewhere totally different with 40 other (attractive, interesting) strangers and only the bare essentials. I think that's part of the reason I've gone to art colonies, and moved around, and even part of why I came to this weird little small town.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so attractive & interesting.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recreated myself as a poet at one of these "colony" things once. The chics dug it. Chics are easy. Is that how you spell chics?

6:49 PM  

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