Inside Out
Almost every time I read the NY Times online I hit something that brings up this pop up dictionary definition:
in·side (ĭn-sīd', ĭn'sīd')
- An inner or interior part.
- Inward character, perceptions, or feelings: felt good on the inside about volunteering to help.
- An inner side or surface.
- The part away from the edge; the middle part.
- insides Informal.
- The inner organs; entrails.
- The inner parts or workings: the insides of a TV set.
- Slang. Confidential or secret information.
- Inner; interior.
- Relating to, known to, or coming from an exclusive group: inside information; an inside joke.
- Baseball. Passing on the side of home plate nearer the batter. Used of a pitch.
- Into or in the interior; within.
- On the inner side.
- Slang. In prison.
- Within: We'll be there inside an hour.
- On the inner side or part of: inside the package.
- Into the interior of: going inside the house.
inside out
- With the inner surface turned out; reversed: wore the sweatshirt inside out.
- Informal. As completely as possible; thoroughly: knew the city inside out.
- In a position of confidence or influence.
rhyme reside, imbibe, in-stride.
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