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Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


goddamn it, I am going to write here for a minute even though I have to reside over classes in the morning, even though I am in love and have to negotiate the solitary voice, even though I want to rest my post-whiplash neck on a warm pillow and let the sky take me. I drove back to Hudson tonight after five days in the city, (saw a fireplace video in a fireplace and other visual puns, drank chocolate beer, saw angela dufresne's curated gallery show which featured my old friend tim davis, saw V for Vendetta, saw C. Whitehead do a Q&A, saw S Silverman tell the aristocrats joke). Anyway now I'm back and I went to a fundraiser for the democrats of Hudson, a few, real, heartbreaking small-town democrats hashing out what to do with a chunk of land, yelling about taxes and race across a bar. This town found me.

V for Vendetta rocked. David Denby is a micropussy if he didn't like it.

I need to remember not to lose track of myself. Remember not to set up my writing against relationship; writing always pathetically and mutely prevails.

California: you can keep shaking and shimmering and washing out like a photo negative

I have work to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, how you say, micropussy, is my new favorite word.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just saying hi.
o bumped his head and is all goose egged
can't sleep (me)
t is hard to feed

what's this about love?

6:38 AM  
Blogger caitlin grace said...

hi eve!

I'm in nyc w/o my computer or I'd go to yr blog instead of responding here. I liked the haiku-like quality of your family report. Why won't T eat? Why can't you sleep? I re-injured my neck today and am on vicadin.(sp.?)Good shit.

I'll write you a real email about love. Not even sure you'll ever see this message.

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did see your message !!
sorry about your neck
emily's friend megan (who just had a baby) is the sister of the mother of a kid in talia's first grade class who i tutor. i tutor the kid.


2:37 PM  

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